Identification of cutting model parameters for a flat milling process
13 de febrero de 2025
De 13.00 a 14.00 h
ITAM, Río Hondo
Salón 315

La División Académica de Ciencias de la Computación los invita a la Conferencia "Identification of cutting model parameters for a flat milling process-Application of data mining and Bayesian statistics in manufacturing" impartida por el Dr. Thomas Rudolf, Jefe del Departamento Académico de Ingeniería Industrial y Operaciones del ITAM.

Process monitoring for milling operation is widely used to ensure product quality and optimize costs. Detecting a worn tool on time can prevent tool breakage and quality issues. Therefore, the observation of wear status is crucial in process monitoring. A typical approach to tool wear detection is the monitoring of required energy and resulting cutting forces. The forces are based on the removed volume and the material characteristics. In the first part, the author explains different cutting force models and their corresponding parameters, their impact on modelled forces. The force is typically defined by a cutting force with parameters specific cutting force and increasing value of the specific cutting force as well as the geometric values of the removed material, width and height, respectively.

Organiza: División Académica de Ciencias de la Computación
55 5628 4000 ext. 3601
55 5628 4000 ext. 3654
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