De 13.00 a 14.00 h

La División Académica de Ingeniería y el Departamento Académico de Sistemas Digitales invitan al Seminario Híbrido
impartido por el Dr. Romeo Ortega, Investigador Nacional Nivel III, que se llevará a cabo el 4 de marzo a las 13:00 h, en el salon RH-107
A new procedure to design parameter estimators for linear and nonlinear regressions, called dynamic regressor extension and mixing (DREM), was recently proposed. A key feature of DREM is that it transforms the problem of estimation of an q-dimensional parameter vector into the estimation of q decoupled, scalar parameters. It has been shown that consistent estimation of the unknown parameters is achieved in DREM with strictly weaker conditions than the standard persistent excitation one imposed in classical gradient descent and least squares estimators. The connection of DREM with classical functional Luenberger observers for time-varying systems was recently established.
The technique has been successfully applied to solve a variety of theoretical problems including system identification, adaptive control, state observation and estimation of nonlinearly parameterized model. It has also been instrumental in the solution of a series of practical engineering problems like adaptive control of robot manipulators, sensorless control of electromechanical systems, adaptive visual servoing, estimation of the state and the global inertia of power systems and state observation of chemical and biological reactors.
El Dr Ortega ha publicado 6 libros, més de 360 artículos en revistas científicas internacionales, con un Indice h de 88 en Google Scholar. Es Miembro Emérito del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores y miembro de la Academia de Ciencias de México. Es “IEEE Fellow Member” desde 1999 (“life” desde 2020) “IFAC Fellow” desde 2016. Ha colaborado como “Chairman” en varios comites y conferencias del IFAC y el IEEE, y participado en varios cuerpos editoriales de revistas internacionales. Actualmente, es “Editor in Chief” del “Int. J. Adaptive Control and Signal Processing” y “Senior Editor” del “Asian Journal of Control”, ambos de Wiley.