We congratulate Alejandrina Salcedo Cisnero, ITAM's Economics program graduate, on her appointment as General Director of Economic Research at Banco de México. She is the first woman to hold this position.
Alejandrina holds a Master's degree and PhD in Economics from Stanford University. She has worked at the World Bank, at the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit and since 2018, she returned to Banco de México to serve as Director of Analysis on Prices, Regional Economics and Information.
Her research has focused on development issues, including migration and education. She has worked at the central bank since 2000. She then joined as an economic researcher and in 2012, she reached the position of Manager of Real Sector Research. In 2015, she was director of economic measurement and in 2018, she took a leave of absence to join the public sector as head of the Economic Planning Unit of Public Finance. She has also been a consultant for the World Bank (2007) and Research Assistant at Stanford University (2006-2008). Since 2018, prior to her appointment, she was Director of Analysis on Prices, Regional Economy and Information at Banxico.
It is with great pride that we congratulate our alumna and wish her great success in her new position!