Marcela Velázquez Bolio, gradute from ITAM's Political Science program, was appointed head of the Human Rights Department at the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS). This department's objective is to guarantee the effective exercise of the rights of health and social security.
During the appointment, senior IMSS officials explained that the unit will be in charge of designing and implementing institutional policies that will optimize the institution and its financial and technological resources, consolidating a preventive human rights culture. The Human Rights Department will be attached to the Legal Department and will be consituted by existing administrative areas, as well as other aereas from the Evaluation and Operation Department and the Economic and Social Benefit Department.
The protection of human rights has been Marcela Velazquez's main focus during her professional career. She has worked at the Supreme Court of Justice, in civil organizations and she has already worked at IMSS, in aereas regarding economic equality and gender.