José Bernardo González Rosas named head of unit in Ministry of Finance
Oficina de Comunicación
March 20, 2015

Congratulations to José Bernardo González Rosas for his appointment as head of the Public Credit Unit at the Ministry of Finance.

He earned a bachelor’s in business administration from ITAM. González Rosas worked as deputy managing director of institutional credit at the National Savings and Financial Services Bank (BANSEFI).

Previously, he served as director of technical coordination at BANSEFI. In addition, he was executive director of regional coordination and evaluation, where he was responsible for the evaluation and tracking of the operating performance of the agencies for credit and regional coordination of the Financiera Rural bank.

At Financiera Rural he was manager of credit programs for rural financial agents and he has been an advisor for international organisms such as the Inter-American Development Bank and the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development.

González Rosas earned a master’s degree in public policy from the University of Georgetown.