Presentation of book Constructor de instituciones about Alonso Lujambio
Departamento Académico de Ciencia Política
October 9, 2014

The presentation of the book Constructor de instituciones about the work of the late Alonso Lujambio was held at 7 p.m. Oct. 8 in the Raúl Baillères Auditorium at the ITAM. It was published by ITAM, El Colegio de México and the National Electoral Institute, under the publishing house name of Grupo Editorial Miguel Ángel Porrúa.
The book is composed of a collection of texts that address Lujambio’s intellectual legacy and professional career. The book’s contents can be divided into five themes: biographical, studies concerning the National Action Party (PAN) and its key figures, studies of the Mexican democratic transition and consolidation, legislative studies, and legal studies. Those topics follow the pattern of the colloquium that was held at the ITAM in April 2013 to analyze Lujambio’s work.
The book presentation was led by Dr. Lorenzo Córdova, president of the governing council of the National Electoral Institute, who recalled Alonso Lujambio’s facet as a public servant, pointing out that Lujambio’s
academic record leaves behind a series of political challenges for which to continue working.
Dr. Javier Garciadiego, president of the Colegio de México, spoke in tribute to Lujambio, expressing regret about his premature death. ITAM Provost Alejandro Hernández recalled Lujambio’s prolific academic career, noting his passion for teaching in the political science undergraduate program. That involvement was overseen by Federico Estévez, founder of ITAM’s Department of Political Science.
The presentation ceremony was directed by Dr. Horacio Vives, a student of Lujambio and an ITAM professor and director of the recently created Alonso Lujambio Research Center. Vives served as editor of the book, which includes contributions from Luis Barrón, Federico Estévez, Rafael Estrada Michel, Javier Garciadiego, Enrique Krauze, Soledad Loaeza, María Marván, Jacqueline Peschard, Alejandro Poiré, Fernando Rodríguez Doval, Pedro Salazar, Arturo Sánchez Gutiérrez, Jesús Silva-Herzog Márquez, Rodolfo Vázquez, Horacio Vives and José Woldenberg.
Shortly before the presentation, awards were presented for the second annual Alonso Lujambio Political Essay Contest. First place went to José Said Sánchez Martínez, a doctoral student at the Colegio de México, whose essay was titled “El poder del tesoro por parte de los Congresos locales: hacia nuevas prácticas.” Special mentions were presented to two students: Carolina Alejandra Torreblanca Becerra Acosta, an ITAM student who submitted “Democracia obligatoria: leyes de obligatoriedad del voto y sus implicaciones para la representatividad,” and to Jesús Miguel Islas Santiago, a student at UNAM who wrote the essay, “¿Reformar sin transformar? Incertidumbres de la reforma electoral 2013-2014. El caso del Instituto Nacional Electoral y sus facultades sobre la organización de los Organismos Públicos Locales en Materia Electoral.”
For more information about the book and the activities of the Alonso Lujambio Research Center, contact Dr. Horacio Vives at hvives@itam.mx or call 5628-4000, extension 3719.