Alumni win award for public health research as part of FUNSALUD’s 30th anniversary.
Oficina de Comunicación
November 30, 2015

Congratulations to alumni Oscar Sánchez García, Ari Bronsoler Nurko, Christian Norton Ayora and Carlos Tendilla Gonzalez, all of whom have bachelor’s degrees in economics from ITAM, for their work that won an award for public health research as part of the special awards marking the 30th anniversary of the Mexican Health Foundation, or FUNSALUD.

Their research paper, titled “Risk-profiling of Potential Diabetics at IMSS. A Logistic Regression Approach,” was accepted for publication in the Working Paper Series of the Inter-American Conference on Social Security.

The contest judges represented institutions that for the most part are focused on aspects of public health. Among them were the following: National Health Council, National Bioethics Commission, Mexican National Academy of Medicine, National Public Health Council, Mexican Society of Public Health and Pan American Health Organization.

Academic entities represented included UNAM, the National Science and Technology Council (CONACYT) and the Center for Research and Advanced Studies in Social Anthropology.

The award will be presented at the closing ceremonies of the 30th anniversary of the FUNSALUD.