ITAM rated by Mexican Debate Association as best Mexican university in debate contest
Oficina de Comunicación
July 13, 2015

ITAM wins top spot in the First National Debate Championship of 2015

Congratulations to students in ITAM’s debate group for their awards at the First National Debate Championship organized by students of the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education at the State of Mexico campus (ITESM CEM).

The event consisted of nine rounds of preliminary debates where 16 teams with the best results went on to the final rounds. ITAM’s seven teams made it to the quarter finals. In the semifinals, half of the teams were from ITAM, and out of the four finalists, three were teams from ITAM.

Carlos Ortega and Sebastián Alatorre won the award for National Debate Champions. In addition, based on ITAM’s fine performance in the competition, the Mexican Debate Association recognized ITAM as the best Mexican university in debate.

Awards won by ITAM’s teams are the following:


María Ballesteros (Political Science) and Tito Ortiz (Political Science)

National Debate Runner-Ups. María Ballesteros was named as the best debater in the contest and placed 5th in the speech competition. Tito Ortiz won as the 2nd best debater and placed 3rd in the speech competition.


Carlos Ortega (Economics) and Sebastián Alatorre (International relations):

National Debate Champions. Carlos Ortega placed as the 8th best debater in the tourney.


César Rivas (Business Administration) and Antonio Tena (International relations and Law)

Team qualified for quarter finals.


Héctor Guerrero (Political Science and International relations) and Rafael López (Political Science)

National Debate Runner-Ups


Manuel Chong (International relations) and María Galicia (International relations):



Vivian Garciacano (Political Science) and Javier Cote (Political Science)

Team qualified for quarter finals. Vivian Garciacano was ranked as the tournament’s 5th best debater.


Tere Ruiz (Economics) and Patricia Urriza (International relations): team classified to quarter finals.

In addition, there was a debate competition among the judges. Participants included: Damaris Bejarano (International relations), Mario Coria (Political Science), Juan Pablo García (Business Engineering), Andrea Nava Ruiz (International relations) and Lucía Arce Cubas. Andrea Nava and Lucía Arce won 3rd place in this contest.