On November 21, 2014, in the framework of the IMEF National Convention, the XXX Price for Financial Research IMEF-EY (Mexican Institute of Finance Executives) award ceremony took place. This event is held annually and is open to both domestic and foreign participants. The ceremony took place in the Center for Congresses in the Mexican state of Querétaro.
Mr. Victor Manuel Guerrero Guzman, full-time professor in the Academic Department of Statistics, participated with two works:
1. In the Financial Company Research category, he participated with the work "Effects of the 2008 crisis on the 3 months USD Libor and its spread to the forward rate: intervention analysis and obtaining forecasts." This work was co-authored by Paula Henríquez Ávila, who holds a Bachelor's degree in Actuarial Science from ITAM.
2. In the Macro-financing, Government Sector, and Stock Market category, he competed with the work "Satellite images of the intensity of light, complementary instrument of measurement for economic activity: Mexico's case," which was coauthored by Juan Antonio Mendoza Perea, who holds a Bachelor's degree in Economics from ITAM.
In both cases he won second place and was awarded a special recognition in each category. ITAM's community is proud for having Victor Manuel Guerrero as a collaborator and congratulates him on his well-deserved awards.